Cat Diets & Dog Diets

Lakecity Animal Hospital - Dog and Cat Together
Lakecity Animal Hospital - Dog Bowl Silhouette

Proper pet diet and nutrition helps fight against disease, maintain a proper weight, and promote overall pet well-being.

Lakecity Animal Hospital - Dog Silhouette

Pet Nutrition & Diet

Keeping your pet at a healthy weight is crucial for their overall health and longevity. A balanced diet enriched with the right nutrients not only contributes to a joyous and active lifestyle but also fortifies your pet against diseases. Nutritional supplements play a vital role in maintaining ideal weight and enhancing the general wellness of pets. Our expert vet doctors in West Kelowna are here to provide you with the right guidance to keep your pets happy and healthy.

Why is Maintaining a Healthy Weight Important?

Obesity is a common problem among pets. Many pets face the risk of obesity, especially when they’ve mastered the art of begging for treats. Being overweight is a serious problem for animals and can cause health problems as they get older. A balanced diet and regular exercise are the cornerstones for meeting a pet’s nutritional needs and maintaining a healthy weight. Consult with our team for a tailored diet plan that matches your pet’s unique lifestyle.

When is a Diet Change Needed?

A balanced diet is the foundation of your pet’s health, and it should evolve with them. Several factors determine the right diet: their age, breed, activity level, and health. It’s important to adjust your pet’s diet as they grow—from puppy or kitten stages into adulthood, and later into their senior years, typically around seven years old. If your pet faces health challenges like obesity or food allergies, a specialized diet may be necessary. Our team can help you navigate when and how to make these diet transitions to support your pet’s well-being.

How Diet & Nutrition Can Help Your Pet

A healthy diet and good nutrition can reduce or even eliminate the following problems:

  • Pet Allergies
  • Itching And Scratching
  • Dull Coat
  • Arthritis
  • Joint And Hip Problems
  • Intestinal Disorders

Skin and coat supplements are a great way to keep your pet looking and feeling their best. Arthritis and joint supplements can be helpful for many pets as they age.